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Thursday, July 11, 2013

The beginning

Its strange that one can have so many thoughts in his mind but when he tries to put them in words they all jumble up. So instead of writing about any of those things, at the moment I would like to thank Aaminah Tirmizi. I dont know why i cant tag her here. () Any way thank you for encouraging me to start a blog. I know you will have fits of laughter every time you read my English and maybe that is the reason why you put me up to this in the first place. :) Also i am great full for the tips you gave me. Lets see if i follow them or not :)

Since i dont know what else to put in my first blog post i will try and describe myself a little bit and then what this blog will be like in the future.

Yeah. About me.
If I go to a friends place and find it messy, I try and arrange the things. That's me. Trying to meddle into other peoples businesses giving them suggestions on everything. I am an opinionated person. But i am growing up and trying to see different perspectives, maybe heading towards mental maturity.
Other than that, I am a mech eng student. i like to travel alot. I am a sportsman. the basketball court is my third home (second one being a tent pitched on any mountain). I am a Facebook addict. I might have checked facebook about twenty times while writing this. When sitting in the car i wave at everyone I see hoping that someone would wave back and smile in the process. I dont mind looking like a complete fool as long as someone ends up smiling. I often go overboard.

And. About the blog.
here will posts about different places I visit or the ones I have visited. Maybe stories about my travels. A few angry posts about the govt, army or politicians or the way people think. I have bad English. So anyone who corrects me, I will be grateful as i want to improve it.

See you soon.  

1 comment:

  1. you are a GENUINE man! And i liked your style - the way it's so simple and honest.
    Try making a wordpress account for blogging. That's a much better forum to socialize, find like-minded people and get more, better audience.
    Good Day!
