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Wednesday, August 14, 2013


IF you are travelling by car, wave and smile at the people on the bus. When you are on the bus, do the same for people in cars.
I am sorry I was gone for so long. Actually I had nothing to do and not doing anything productive puts me in a really negative mood and I just sink into a stupid hole. But this friend, just now, made me smile by saying a few random things on Facebook and so I thought I would write about the importance of smiling and making people smile.
You must have heard this quiet a few times in movies etc. "A smile can change the world". I think that dramatizing something renders it meaningless but I still agree with the statement. Its not about changing the world, its about making it a better place and for that you need to change one life at a time. The easiest way to do that is by giving people a reason to smile. I don't have to quote any scientific research here about how even a forced smile can make ones brain release chemicals that tell him or her that he or she is happy.
I personally enjoy making faces at random babies or waving my hand at strangers until they smile or wave back. All this at the cost of being labeled crazy. I don't mind though. If it takes me trying to balance a water bottle on my head or a spoon on my nose to amuse someone, then be it. I get amused too when I do these idiotic things but I love it when someone smiles.
I just realized that this is not a well structured post but I have a headache right now and I cant write well but I still want to get the message across even if it makes me sound like a beggar.
PLEASE PLEASE SMILEEEE whenever where ever you get the chance, or even if you don't :)
I hope this made you smile :)


  1. I think being labelled crazy motivates you that much more to make others smile. A Testament to your resilience. Thanks for all the smiles bro :).

    Also this is Idrees. I once commented on Haider's blog (he had the silliest blog ever) under this name and I dont know how to change it.

    1. Hahahah. Why mushtaq bilal by the way? and thanks bro. your support is much appreciated :D

    2. Anytime.
      His article was about how Mushtaq is a boring name. So, I picked this user name and commented that I found the article very offensive.

  2. Farrae :D I still remember when you balanced the bottle on your head :)
    this post reminds me 1 of my most favourite toothpaste advertisement :P its name is "Smile Vietnam",for me,the music is so amazing and touching and the lyrics is super meaningful :3 enjoy the song, naaaa

    1. Thank you for the subtitles. :D that was an amazing song. :D Keep smiling.

  3. Asalaamu alaikum! :) I hope you are not freaked out by this message but I had to let you know that I really appreciate how you genuinely go out of the way to make people smile. You may not remember but you made me smile even when I was really ill and thousands of miles away from home. It may have seemed like a small thing to do but your presence made things feel right, good and happy. Thank you for that!
    Keep smiling,

    a stranger from the mountains

    1. hhaha not freaked out at all. Boss i am completely humbled by your comment. i am just curious about who you are :)

  4. Farrae I have seen you come a long way in to becoming the amazing person that you are . I am proud , if not anything else, to have had you as a friend . It is really heartening to know that people like you still exist ( people who stop with their lives to knock sense in to people's head and guide them back on track ). No matter how weird you actions may seem but you do make everyone smile !!!

    P.S I need ur permission to include this in the yearbook as an extract .
    One more thing "quite " hota hai , ' "quiet "nai :P

    1. Arbi yeh koi puchney waali baat hey ? hahaha and boss thank you so much for this.
